Tag Archives: emperor


Oh, you didn’t think pugs were hip and cool unless they’ve been in a movie with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones and are named Frank? The resemblance is there. I get that so much…. obviously because I’m every bit as handsome as Frank, the alien. But I am not quite the blowhard he is. I do like the Dorito pug–there’s a real man for you.

I had a good laze today. My current hume left me to my deep thoughts while she sallied forth on a quest for gainful employment. We all know what a hassle that is! Especially if you have grey in your muzzle and some teeth that have been removed for lack of sturdiness. Ah the hardship! Ah the tedium!

I hear her complain a lot about the current state of joblessness in this land where we live. At least she’s not in Tibet or worse yet, China. I dream in my genes about those places where our true honor was worshiped and we knew where we stood… right next to the emperor… or even in his lap! Ah, the feel of rough brocade and slippery silk. Those were the days. Now I get an IKEA futon and a raggedy Pashmina shawl.

Well, if this hume gets her act together, happy days could be on the horizon. Ding a meditation gong on that!


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